Campus Life Units


Campus Life leads the University’s efforts to provide an enriching experience for Princeton’s 5,200 undergraduates and 2,700 graduate students. The Office of the Vice President for Campus Life works closely with the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Executive Vice President, the Dean of the College, the Dean of the Faculty, and the Graduate School, to enhance student success.
The units that constitute Campus Life include:
  • Athletics and Campus Recreation
  • Campus Life Initiatives
    • Princeton Army ROTC
  • Center for Career Development 
  • Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students
  • Office of Diversity and Inclusion
    • Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding
    • Gender + Sexuality Resource Center 
  • Pace Center for Civic Engagement
  • Princeton Army ROTC
  • Office of Religious Life
  • University Health Services
  • Office of Wintersession and Campus Engagement


What is Princeton’s guiding philosophy—what are its goals—for the student co-curricular experience and residential life?

Through residential experiences and co-curricular activities, Princeton provides opportunities for students to develop skills and habits of mind that will allow them to live healthy and meaningful lives and to become thoughtful, mature, and responsible citizens and leaders committed to the well-being of others in this country and throughout the world.  

Princeton seeks to enable, support and encourage its undergraduate and graduate students to:  

Learn to Lead a Healthy and Fulfilling Life

  • Discover and develop a calling in life and talents and interests that may become lifelong pleasures and pursuits. 
    • In this and other ways, develop greater self-understanding and self-awareness and more fully develop their identities and passions. 
  • Learn how to live a healthy life.  
    • Develop an awareness of issues related to physical, mental, and moral health and well-being.   
    • Develop capacities for reflection and contemplation, for relaxation and fun; to achieve balance and perspective.
    • Benefit from opportunities to participate in a wide range of co-curricular activities, including service, athletic and recreational pursuits and the creative and performing arts.
    • Have opportunities to explore and express the spiritual dimensions of life.
  • Develop through experience such core values as honesty, integrity, and fair dealing.

 Develop the Skills of Citizenship and Community

  • Develop a sense of responsibility for the well-being and service of others in the communities in which they live, in their nation, and throughout the world. 
    • Through active participation in service, develop skills, insights and a life-long commitment to help meet the needs of others.
  • Develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills, in part by participating in University-sponsored activities, participating in graduate and undergraduate organizations, and taking the initiative to create new organizations and activities.
  • Learn to work as part of a team and be supportive of others.
    • Develop capacities for cooperation, collaboration, compromise, empathy, and listening to others with an open mind.
    • Make time to witness and participate in the initiatives of others.   
  • As both leaders and team members, learn how to set goals and develop strategies to achieve them; to take appropriate risks; to learn from defeat and disappointment; to be disciplined and persistent in pursuit of a cause or objective.   
  • Develop the skills of self-governance and a sense of civic responsibility.
    • Speak out on the issues of the day—on campus and in the outside world—but also listen to and respect the views of others.
    • Take responsibility for the well-being of the communities in which they live: their dorms or apartments, colleges, clubs, academic departments, organizations, etc. 
    • Develop an understanding that contributing to the common good is a central element of living a purposeful and meaningful life.   
  • Learn to live and work with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and in so doing develop understanding, respect, and acceptance of others. 
    • Participate in and help to sustain an inclusive and engaged campus community where all can feel a sense of belonging, engaging difference is a cultural norm, new and different ways of thinking and doing are respected and valued, and diverse perspectives are openly shared.
  • Develop a strong sense of community and connectedness to one’s fellow students.
    • This can produce lasting bonds of friendship and a lifelong commitment to Princeton.
    • This feeling of connectedness and belonging can encourage a feeling of safety to engage in frank discussion and test new ideas.