Resources for Students During Difficult Times

For Undergraduates

  • Assistant Deans for Student Life: The assistant deans for student life whose offices are located in each residential college, serve as primary case managers in crisis situations. They are also available to talk with students about well-being concerns and can refer them to appropriate campus resources. Each residential college also offers academic advising services, which may be helpful in difficult times.
  • Residential Colleges: Princeton currently has seven residential colleges, each of which is united in a shared vision to foster community and support intellectual growth. Students are required to live in one of Princeton’s seven residential colleges as a first- and second-year student. In turn, this becomes a supportive community through all four years of study and one’s “home” for academic advising.

For Graduate Students: Student-centered support services

The Graduate School offers student-centered support ranging from crisis support to transportation and travel services. For assistance in navigating or getting in touch with any campus resources, reach out to the Student Affairs team. 

Protests, demonstrations, and peaceful dissent on campus

The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (ODUS) maintains a resource providing guidance about campus protests and demonstrations. Individuals and groups planning to engage in these activities are encouraged to work with ODUS for support. 

Emergency funding and financial assistance

The Office of the Vice President for Campus Life provides a central navigation system for undergraduate and graduate students seeking financial assistance for essential needs and hardships from several departments and offices across campus.  

Leaves of absence

Each year, a number of Princeton undergraduates interrupt their studies for a variety of reasons. Some students will choose to take a leave of absence to take care of a health issue, to pursue a professional or volunteer opportunity, to attend to family matters, to reconsider academic goals, or to meet military requirements. The Dean of the College assists students in navigating the leave-taking process.

Resources related to privacy and harassment

  • Concealing directory information
    • The University Registrar’s Office can assist a student interested in concealing from public view their directory information:  [email protected].
  • Online harassment
  • Reporting concerns anonymously
    • The University uses EthicsPoint an independent provider of hotline services, which offers a simple and anonymous way to report harassment concerns from campus community members, contractors, or the public.
  • Filing a grievance
    • If you wish to make a complaint or report of discriminatory or harassing treatment based on protected characteristics other than sexual misconduct.

Resources related to mental health

  • TigerWell is a collaborative, cross-campus health, wellbeing and resilience initiative that coordinates existing resources with creative new approaches.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) supports the psychological well-being of the Princeton University community and are available at no cost to currently enrolled Princeton students and their eligible dependents. 
    • CPS also offers access to Uwill, the leading student mental health and wellness solution. Uwill offers students free immediate access to teletherapy through its easy to use online platform. Uwill is private, secure, and confidential. Students can create a profile and book their first session in just minutes by going to the Uwill website and registering with their PU email.
  • UMatter offers resources and educations programs related to the following: 
    • Being an effective bystander
    • Making healthy choices
    • Caring for others
    • Taking action
  • Mindfulness Resources
    • A variety of activities including yoga, tai chi, meditation, and self-guided audio guides related to relaxation and stress management.

After-hours transportation

  • TigerTransit's weekend late-night service, hosted by UMatter, provides students with a safe interpersonal environment and convenient ride home from Prospect Avenue to all undergraduate on-campus residences every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night from 12:30 AM to 2:30 AM.
  • The Lyft Pass program offers students on-demand access to transportation relieving them of the need to drive themselves.