Campus Life Diversity and Inclusion Framework

Welcome to the Office of the Vice President for Campus Life’s Diversity and Inclusion Framework!

At Princeton University, we aspire for students to graduate with a sense of meaning and purpose, in keeping with the university’s informal motto: “In the Nation’s Service and the Service of Humanity.” We hope for students to leave Princeton prepared to serve, having internalized a sense of social responsibility and the importance of their individual connectedness to all humanity. As foundational elements of their undergraduate experience, students will have critically explored their personal identities, engaged their community in ways that challenge them to develop an awareness of, and openness to other perspectives, thoughtfully challenged conventional wisdom, and embrace learning as a life-long process.

In alignment with the University’s Mission, the Office of the Vice President for Campus Life (Campus Life) enhances the holistic development and educational experience for all students by complementing academic study with co-curricular opportunities that engage, enrich, and advance student learning and growth.

Campus Life and collaborative partners impact the overall student experience over the course of their years at Princeton. Essential to this work is the recognition that the privilege and responsibility of a Princeton University education must include the development of competencies for cultural awareness/understanding, identity exploration, and social justice leadership as we prepare students for lives of service, civic engagement, and ethical leadership.

These competencies are inherently connected to the academic mission and espoused values of Princeton. In order to guide the work of the Division of Student Development and its collaborative partners, this Framework for Diversity and Inclusion is proposed to focus the learning objectives we will provide to the campus community, bounded by the highest standards of professionalism, comparative best practices, and individual campus context.

For questions about the D&I Framework please contact:

Andy Cofino
Assistant Vice President for Diversity, Belonging, and Well-being 
[email protected]

Sara Gruppo 
Program Director, Community Action, Pace Center for Civic Engagement
[email protected]