Office of Campus Engagement


Students playing outside in the snow.

The Office of Campus Engagement (OCE) offers a variety of community-building experiences on campus, including Wintersession, a two-week experience for Princeton University community members to experiment and explore through unexpected, active and intriguing non-graded learning and development opportunities. Undergraduate students, graduate students, staff and faculty can participate as teachers, learners or both.

Who We Are

The mission of the Office of Campus Engagement (OCE) is to create shared experiences for all undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff to step away from their day-to-day and explore intriguing opportunities that promote connection and growth beyond the resume. We are pro-participation; perfection is not required. 

OCE was established in 2019 with the core goals of designing and launching the new Wintersession initiative, as well as offering other avenues for meaningful cross-campus engagement. OCE leads or co-leads four major initiatives: Wintersession, Princeton Research Day, First-Year Families Weekend and the Peer to Peer Collective.












Judy Jarvis

Judy Jarvis
Director Office Campus Engagement

What We Do

  • Conduct outreach to students, staff and faculty about the value of participating in Wintersession as a facilitator, learner or both
  • Design and implement all of the processes for Wintersession, including the proposal portal, registration process and supporting facilitators as they plan their sessions
  • Offer OCE-led workshops and events during Wintersession that align with student need and interest
  • Lead the Wintersession Advisory Committee, a think tank of students, staff and faculty who consult on the key directions of Wintersession
  • Co-lead First-Year Families Weekend with the Office of the Dean of the College
  • Co-lead Princeton Research Day with the Offices of Undergraduate Research, the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean for Research
  • Convene the Peer to Peer Collective (administrators who supervise Princeton's 17 peer to peer adviser groups on campus) to coordinate, collaborate, and develop initiatives and programs that are useful to student advisers and educators.

Our Impact

• Over 4,120 unique undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staff
registered to attend Wintersession 2022, an increase of over 1,000 people
from 2021
• OCE offered 414 workshops, trips and events (244 in-person, 170 virtual) as
part of Wintersession 2022
• 348 unique on-campus facilitators (students, faculty and staff) led one or more
Wintersession offering
• 94% of Wintersession 2022 survey respondents agreed or strongly agreed
what their Wintersession workshop(s) allowed them to try out new experiences
or skills
• 93% of survey respondents said that participating in Wintersession contributed
positively to their mental health
• 90% of facilitators rated their Wintersession experience as good or excellent
• 86% of survey respondents rated their overall experience at First-Year Families
Weekend as good or excellent
• 100% of survey respondents rated the overall quality of the Princeton Research
Day Mainstage Ceremony as good or excellent


Office of Campus Engagement 
116 Frist Campus Center, Princeton, NJ 08544
[email protected]